Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blog Evolution...

So as the seasons change and the snow melts, I take up another past time that is much less respected in the action sports world. My take on this is that at the end of the day it is what it is. Think its lame, think its rad whatever you want but I've been doing it longer than snowboarding and its definitely a big part of my life. Here are a couple links to provide an idea as to what rollerblading has evolved to since it first appeared in the x-games long ago with JNCO Jeans and goofy sponsorships...

Bittercold Showdown: The Biggest Event In Rollerblading Today

BCSD 2009 HD edit from AGGRESSIVEMALL on Vimeo.

Montre Livingston's Section from Sayword 3: Easily one of the nicest pro rollerbladers out there and he absolutely kills it

MONTRE LIVINGSTONED saywordthree 2008 from kenneth owens on Vimeo.

Jon Jon Bolino and Brian Shima: Up and coming pro jonjon skating with legend shima for a week out in Cali

Jonjon Bolino and Brian Shima Nimh Edit from Rat Tail Army on Vimeo.

You can find plenty of my photos of local pittsburgh rollerblading here